Tuesday 8 January 2013

New Year..

So 2013 is upon us. My new years list of things that I must do has already fallen by the wayside as the kids go back to school/nursery and I return to work! However I have told myself that blogging and my allotment are two things that I must focus on more this year.. This is my intention anyway! We shall see how the year pans out..

Hope you all had a good festive period - I know I did! Way too much food and alcohol was consumed though and now I'm back at the gym with a vengeance - Jennifer Nicole Lee you had better watch your back! The hubby has drafted me a pretty intense workout and I am so on this fitness vibe - at the moment!

Anyways, now I'm back at work I thought that I would use the medium of my first blog post of the year to shamelessly plug the possibility of working with us at the Sunglasses Shop -

Basically I'm looking for some bloggers to collaborate with us by doing product reviews, sponsored posts and potential giveaways. We have some fab brands online. Here are a few of my faves...

From top to bottom - 
House of Harlow 'Marie'
Vogue '2669'
SXUC 'Bruno'
Polaroid 'S8158A'

If you blog and love your fashion and would be interested in working with  then please leave a comment with a link to your blog and details of how I can contact you and I'll be in touch. 

Till next time.... M x


  1. Hey! My wife is the slackest blogger ever but this might give her inspiration and a push? http://www.musingsofabakeaholic.com/ laura.boswell76@ntlworld.com @laurasaurus76

    Looks female orientated only am I correct? No matter do please check my blog and spread the word! www.godspeed-hellfire.com it does contain fashion and style I promise!

    Rob @Bossman_1975

  2. Pick me! I'm new to blogging and would love to review your products! Maybe give us both a chance to expand a bit?



  3. Pick me! I'm new to blogging and would love to review your products! Maybe give us both a chance to expand a bit?


