Tuesday 12 February 2013

Beating that bulge..

OK so this is a slight change of focus from the norm.. but I feel if I share my progress with you then I can't back out of this! Believe me I have all the excuses required to not get fit. I’m a working mother of two, and I have the worst heat rash when I do work out. But I’ve had a change of mind-set and going once or twice a week has now morphed into me going 4 times a week with a rest day on Wednesday. My  ‘lazy ass’ ship has sailed. I’m now 2 weeks into my routine and these tips have helped me immensely, so I thought I would share.
  • Set yourself a goal – The big cheese at my work has got some rather fancy scales in his office and as of the 14th January these were my stats (skinny minnies look away now). With my sporadic sessions down the gym now a thing of the past, my stats are now on the right path and I’ll be sharing my progress with you. My main aim is to get my shocking fat figure down to at least 35%
Weight – 66.3KG
BMI – 25
FAT – 40.3%
 Muscle – 24.3%    
  • Hit your targets – My target now is to get down the gym 4 times a week for 30 minutes at lunch and hit a calorie burn of 350-400 kcal minimum.
  • Drink plenty of water – I’m the world’s worst at this!
  • Surround yourself with motivation and inspiration (for Thinspiration - see below pic). Also my gym buddy Jess is training for the London Marathon so she is on her gym routine in a big way - she will never let me pick up anything that is not good for me either - which was handy earlier when a packet of Cadbury's Fingers made their way into may hand! (Thanks Jess)
  • And finally - Allow yourself a treat every now and then –weekends are my splurge.
absolutely no reason why even the laziest girls can't give this a go

I thought I would share today's workout - 30 minutes on the Cross-Trainer and I burnt 415kcal. Mega impressed with myself. Here is the proof - (big pat on the back for moi)

What other tips do you think will help me get my Body Fat percentage down? Have you joined a gym recently? What are your goals?

Till next time... M x

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